
I said that lost my earphones on instagram ... But I found it in the parking area!! So I got out of buying the earphones of beats Anyway My teacher told us that we are going to go picnic on next Thursday!! After that we decided to go to Ne…


今日は書くことないから日本語で〜 今日は月末のテスト受けた! 点数は90パーセント✌️ ただ、文法のテストなんよな、、 スピーキングはこないだ受けてボロボロやった、、、 また同じクラスのまんまかも笑 まぁ、いっぱい友達と話せるからいいけど その後、夜…


Today I hung out with a foreign friend for the first time. At first we headed for Circular Quay. After that we took a cruise and visited Manly Beach. I think that there are few people on Manly Beach so we can spend time comfortably. So I l…


Yesterday, I started Uber Eats! It was really fun. But I thought it was hard for me. Because There are many slope in Sydney. And My bicycle is not electric bicycle. So I was very tired I worked today. I earned a week's rent in two days!! …


今日は日本語で!! 最近、NSW州でbushfireが問題になってて、 街が凄い煙たいんよな めっちゃ咳でるし早く鎮火してほしい。。。 話変わって、、、 ようやくUbereatsの登録完了!! 明日は休みなんで、夜中から働きます! 初めてやから、50ドルくらい目指そ…


Today I had the exam at the first session. I took reading and listening tests. It was very easy for me to answer the test ✍️ However, tomorrow there is a reading test that I am not good at. I will do my best tomorrow After school I went to…


I thought I completed Uber eats registration, but it wasn't. So I went to Uber kiosk of Sydney after school. The company is located in Strathfield. It took about 45 minutes by train from my house to the company. I went to the reception imm…


Today I was talking to Son at break time. Suddenly, he laughed and said me that why do Japanese people say Sidony(シドニー) I could't understand what he was saying at first. After that he imitated me. Then I understood it. Almost Japanese …


Today, I went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch with my friends. I ate fresh fish in Sydney for the first time!! It was very delicious. We really enjoyed that time. But sadly, I forgot to take a picture The next time I go, I'll definitely…


今日は特に何もなかったので、日本語で 新しい家に住んで2週間くらい経ちました。 日本よりこっちのが落ち着いて暮らせるくらいに最近は快適です 最近思うことは、もっと早く、学生の時に海外に行くべきやったなと、少し反省。 その理由は、色んな面で成長で…


I didn’t go to Brazilian party.... Because Kaio contacted me this morning and told me that the cost was 35A$ So we stopped going at the party. And he told me that we could go to Ivy for free every Thursday. Hahaha I may go to Ivy next Thur…


今日は日本語で。 こっちは日付変わっちゃったけど、15日のこと書きます。 今週も無事に学校終わりました。 英語を話す量が圧倒的に少ないので、もう少し友達と過ごす時間を来週からは多くしていきます。 今日は夜に、ルームメイトのこうたろうと少し話した…


Today I will introduce my friend Kaio. He is from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He likes soccer. His favorite soccer team is Santos.The reason we got along was soccer. I met him at the welcome party for the first time. When I told him my favorite soc…


Today, I went to University of Sydney. University of Sydney is the one of the most famous and the oldest university in Australia. It has a very large land and many school buildings. And It is said that it was used for the shooting location…


My teacher Sandy is a good teacher.She is kind to me. And her smile makes me happy.But It is different when it comes to class.Because she is lazy and unmotivated.Sha always uses a black board.So we can’t practice conversation during class.…


まいど! 皆さんお久しぶりです。 普段勉強したものをアウトプットする場が少ないと言うことで、このブログをアウトプットをする場にしようと思ってます。 日本語で書いたり、英語で書いたりするんで、良かったらみんな見てください。 英語はまだまだ勉強中…